Forskning i developmental language disorder (DLD)
Forskning i børns sproglige og kommunikative udvikling og udviklingsmæssige sprogforstyrrelser: teori, empiri og praksis
Forskning i developmental language disorder hos børn (DLD)
Psykologer og psykologistuderende på klinikken udfører forskning for i fremtiden at kunne tilbyde børn med en udviklingsmæssig sprogforstyrrelse endnu bedre muligheder for at blive opdaget og hjulpet. Sprogklinikkens forskere er tilknyttet Center for Developmental & Applied Psychological Science på Institut for Kommunikation, Aalborg Universitet: CeDAPS
Vil du vide mere om developmental language disorder (udviklingsmæssig sprogforstyrrelse), kan du kontakte:
Professor Kristine Jensen de Lopez:
Tel: 2782 2224
Udvalgte artikler om developmental language disorder (DLD) hos børn
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen (2025): At have DLD kan føre til læsevanskeligheder
- Lone Sundahl Olsen, Kristine M. Jensen de López (2024): Microstructure competences and grammatical errors of Danish-speaking children with developmental language disorder when telling and retelling narratives and engaging in spontaneous language
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Heidi Thirup Møller (2024): Prevalence of Autism in Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden), and Nordic countries (Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland)
- Ida Bonnerup Jepsen, Ceclia Brynskov, Per Hove, Charlotte Rask, Kristine M. Jensen de López, Rikke Lambek (2024): The Role of Language in the Social and Academic Functioning of Children With ADHD
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen (2023): Kort og godt om sprogforstyrrelsen DLD
- Nikki Müller Skjoldborg, Patrick K. Bender, Kristine M. Jensen de López (2022): The Efficacy of Head-Mounted-Display Virtual Reality Intervention to Improve Life Skills of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
- Julie Thejl Behrmann, Julie Blaabjerg, Josefine Jordansen, Kristine M. Jensen de López (2022): Systematic Review: Investigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health Outcomes of Individuals with ADHD
- Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen (2019): History of language impairment/developmental language disorder in Denmark: DLD,
- Kristine Kahr Nilsson, Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez (2016): Theory of Mind in Children with Specific Language Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Anne E. Baker (2015): Executive Functions in the assessment of bilingual children with language impairment
- Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez, Pia Bundgaard (2015): Gesture Production, Comprehension and Working Memory in children with LI
- Vicky Chondrogianni, Theodoros Marinis, Susan Edwards (2010): On-line processing of articles and pronouns by Greek children with SLI
- Lone Sundahl Olsen, Kristine M. Jensen de López (2010): SLI er mere end blot forsinket udvikling af sproglige færdigheder
- Kristine Jensen de Lopez (2009): Typisk og Atypisk Sprogudvikling i Tværsprogligt Perspektiv: udvikling af normer og testmateriale
- Kristine Jensen de Lopez (2008): Vi ved for lidt om danske børn, der er opvokset med specifikke sprogforstyrrelser
- Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez (2021): Face-to-face working memory training does not enhance children’s reading comprehension - a pilot study with Danish children
- Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez (2018): Børns læseforståelse forbedres ikke ved arbejdshukommelsestræning: en systematisk forskningsoversigt
- Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez, Frøydis Morken, Hans Götzsche, Jørgen Frost (2018): Perspektiver på læsning
- Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez, Lisa Margaret Davies Archibald (2018): The Contribution of Cognitive Flexibility to Children’s Reading Comprehension – the case for Danish
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen (2024): Language and narrative skills of Danish school children with DLD: Investigating child profiles and narrative modes and relating to clinical assessment and practice. Presented at Symposium titled: Applying the LUNA framework to analysing children's personal narratives: Clinical implications (Westerveld, M.F., Gupta, V., Ferman, S., Gabaj, M., Kraljevis, K., Jensen de López, K. & Søndergaard Knudsen, H.
- Niloufar Jalali-Moghadam, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Ewa Czaplewska, Silvia Nieva, Marja Laasonen, Ellen Gerrits, Cristina McKean, James Law (2024): The relationship between direct or indirect therapy and language profiles in children with developmental language disorder (DLD) across European countries
- Laila Kjærbæk, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Kristine M. Jensen de López, Lars Holm (2023): Finder vi de sprogligt udsatte børn? En kortlægning og kritisk analyse af det nationale sprogscreeningsprogram i Danmark
- Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Niloufar Jalali-Moghadam, Silvia Nieva, Ewa Czaplewska, Marja Laasonen, Ellen Gerrits, Cristina McKean, James Law (2022): Allocation and funding of speech and language therapy for children with developmental language disorders across Europe and beyond
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Jelena Kuvac Kraljevic, Emilie L. Bang Struntze (2022): Efficacy, Model of delivery, Intensity and Targets of Pragmatic Interventions for Children with Developmental Language Disorder: A Systematic Review
- Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen (2021): Enculturation of Psychologists through Problem-Based Learning in Aalborg University’s Children’s Clinic
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen (2020): The adaptation of Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN) to Danish: Manual for assessement of DLD
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Pernille Sejer Donau, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen (2018): Unpacking the evidence for and theory of intervention in childhood language impairment: Systematic reviews across different components of language
- Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez (2018): Dynamisk udredning af læringspotentialer i rehabilitering
- Line Clasen, Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez (2017): BookFun- 'There's more to it than reading a book': Implementing a Danish early literacy programme that supports professionalism, language development and social inclusion
- Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez (2014): LæseLeg - et evidensbasereret dansk pædagogisk redskab, der støtter børnehavebørns kommunikative færdigheder indenfor et inkluderende fællesskab
- Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen (2013): Børnesprogklinikken på Aalborg Universitet: Første danske universitets klinik for skolebørn der har sprog- og læse vanskeligheder – dynamisk udredning i praksis
- Stig Brostrøm (Redaktør), Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez (Redaktør), Jette Løntoft (Redaktør) (2013): Dialogisk lesning i teori og praksis
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Line Clasen (2013): Effects of Dialogical Reading in Danish Monolingual, Bilingual and Language Impaired Preschool Children
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Pia Bundgaard, Karina Niss Jørgensen, Sofie Filholm Mathiasen, Christina Mortensen (2012): Dynamic Assessment (DA) in a university clinic for Danish children with Developmental Communicative Disorders (DCD) – problem-based practice as a means for training psychology students how to intervene with SLI-children.
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Ane Knüppel (2010): Tilpasning, Standardisering og Validering af den Danske Version af Test for Reception of Grammar-2 (TROG-2)
- Sam Harding, Maja Kelić, Thora S. Ulfsdottir, Sofia Beana, Julie Feilberg, Kristine M. Jensen de López, Inge Sofie Klatte, Rena Lyons, Tina Mantel, Rama Novogrodsky, Isabel R. Rodriguez-Ortiz, Krisztina Zajdó (2024): Rearing a child with a language disorder: parents experiences with speech and language therapy services in 10 countries
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Karina B. Rosenberg, Tia G. B. Hansen, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen (2023): Self-compassion and satisfaction with life in Danish adolescents with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): `We are all in the same boat´
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Rena Lyons (2020): Narratives and identity construction of children with developmental speech and language disorders: intervention with children with developmental language disorder (DLD)
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Julie Feilberg, Sofia Baena, Rena Lyons, Sam Harding, Maja Kelić, Inge Sofie Klatte, Tina Clasina Mantel, Rama Novogrodsky, Thora S. Ulfsdottir, Krisztina Zajdó, Isabel R. Rodriguez-Ortiz (2021): “So, I told him to look for friends!” Barriers and protecting factors that may facilitate inclusion for children with Language Disorder in everyday social settings: Cross-cultural qualitative interviews with parents
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Rena Lyons, Rama Novogrodsky, Sofia Baena, Julie Feilberg, Sam Harding, Maja Kelić, Inge Sofie Klatte, Tina C. Mantel, Marina Olujić Tomazin, Thora S. Ulfsdottir, Krisztina Zajdó, Isabel R. Rodriguez-Ortiz (2021): Exploring parental perspectives of childhood speech and language disorders across 10 countries: A pilot qualitative study
- Rena Lyons, Chalotte Glintborg, Lindy McAllister (2019): Narrative Inquiry and its use in Communication Disorders Research
- Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez, Kristen Schroeder, Anna Gavarró (2018): Successful passive sentence comprehension among Danish adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez, Karina Niss Jørgensen, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Tia Gitte Bondesen Hansen (2015): We're all in the same boat! Positive Mental Health in Danish adolescents with Language Impairment attending Boarding School
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Bjarke Halkjær Kronqvist Kristiansen, Line Clasen, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, N Gagarina (2013): Non-verbal loaded visual WM predicts narrative comprehension in bilingual, but not monolingual children – is this a bilingual effect?
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Karina Niss Jørgensen, Bjarke Halkjær Kronqvist Kristiansen (2013): Verbal loaded WM, but not Non-verbal loaded WM is challenging for Danish teens with SLI
- Nadia Sand Nørgaard, Kristine M. Jensen de López, Laura Quintanilla (2024): Danish Children's Personal Narratives (PNS) on Global Tales
- Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Pernille Sejer Donau, Charles Mifsud, Timothy C. Papadopoulos, Julie Dockrell (2021): Multilingual classrooms – Danish teachers’ practices, beliefs and attitudes
- Julie Dockrell, Timothy C. Papadopoulos, Charles Mifsud, Lorna Bourke, Olga Vilageliu, E. Besic, Susanne Seifert, Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera, Asimina Ralli, Ioannis Dimakos, Sviatlana Karpava, Margarida Alves Martins, Otília Sousa, Susanne Castro, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen, Pernille Sejer Donau, Belma Haznedar, Marina Mikulajová, Nina Gerdzhikova (2021): Teaching and learning in a multilingual Europe: findings from a cross-European study
- Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez (2021): Kommunikation, sprog og kognition - et trekløver af sociokognitive færdigheder
- Spyridoula Varlokosta, Adriana Belletti , João Costa, Naama Friedmann, Anna Gavarró, Kleanthes Grohmann, Maria Teresa Guasti, Laurice Tuller, Maria Lobo, Darinka Andjelkovic, Núria Argemí, Larisa Avram, Sanne Berends, Valentina Brunetto, Hélène Delage, María-José Ezeizabarrena Segurola, Iris Fattal, Ewa Haman, Angeliek van Hout, Kristine M. Jensen de López m.fl. (2016): A Cross-Linguistic Study of the Acquisition of Clitic and Pronoun Production
- Sharon Armon Lotem, Ewa Haman, Kristine M. Jensen de López, Magdalena Smoczynska, Kazuko Yatsushiro, Marcin Szczerbinski, Angeliek van Hout, Ineta Dabasinskiene, Anna Gavarro, Erin Hobbs, Laura Kamandulyte, Napoleon Katsos, Sari Kunnari, Chrisa Michaelidou, Lone Sundahl Olsen, Xavier Parramon, Uli Sauerland, Reeli Torn-Leesik, Heather van der Lely (2016): A large-scale cross-linguistic investigation of the acquisition of passive
- Napoleon Katsos, Chris Cummins, Maria-José Ezeizabarrena, Anna Gavarró, Jelena Kuvac Kraljevic, Gordana Hrzica, Kleanthes Grohmann, Athina Skordi, Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez, Lone Sundahl Olsen, Angeliek van Hout, Bart Hollebrandse, Jessica Overweg, Myrthe Faberi, Margreet van Koert, Nafsika Smith, Maigi Vija, Sirli Zupping, Sari Kunnari, Tiffany Morisseau m.fl. (2016): Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers
- Uli Sauerland, Kleanthes Grohmann, Maria Teresa Guasti, Darinka Andjelkovic, Reili Argus, Sharon Armon-Lotem, Farizio Arosio, Larisa Arvam, João Costa, Ineta Dabašinskienė, Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez, Daniela Gatt m.fl. (2016): How do 5-year-olds understand questions? Differences in languages across Europe
- Luniewska, Magdalena, Ewa Haman, Sharon Armon Lotem, Bartlomiej, Etenkowski, Frenette Southwood, Darinka Andjelkovic, Elma Bloom, Tessel Boerma, Shula Chiat, Pascale Engel de Abreu, Natalia Gagarina, Anna Gavarró, Gisela Håkansson, Tina Hickey, Kristine M. Jensen De Lopez m.fl. (2016): Ratings of age of acquisition of 299 words across 25 languages: Is there a cross-linguistic order og words?
- Line Clasen, Kristine M. Jensen de López, Hanne Bruun Søndergaard Knudsen (2012): Memory Span and Narrative Skills: Where’s the Connection?
- Napoleon Katos, Maria-José Ezeizabarrena, Anna Gavarró, Jelena Kuvac, Gordana Hrzica, Kleanthes Grohmann, Athina Skordi, Kristine M. Jensen de López, Lone Sundahl Olsen, Angeliek van Hout, Bart Hollebrandse, Jessica Overweg, Myrthe Faber (2012): The Acquisition of Quantification across Languages: Some predictions
- Lone Sundahl Olsen, Kristine M. Jensen de López (2012): Tosprogethed som faktor i udviklingen af læsning, skrivning og metakognitive færdigheder
- Theodoros Marinis, Vicky Chondrogianni (2011): Comprehension of reflexives and pronouns in sequential bilingual children: Do they pattern similarly to L1 children, L2 adults, or children with specific language impairment?
- Vicky Chondrogianni, Theodoros Marinis (2011): Differential effects of internal and external factors on the development of vocabulary, tense morphology and morpho-syntax in successive bilingual children
- Kristine M. Jensen de López, Lone Sundahl Olsen (2010): A view on the development of Relative Clauses in Danish
- Kristine M. Jensen de López (2010): Gesture en route to words: Evidence from Danish and Zapotec children and their caretakers
- Lone Sundahl Olsen, Kristine M. Jensen de López (2010): The acquisition of periphrastic versus morphological passives by Danish-speaking preschool children
- Kristine Jensen de Lopez (2008): 3-year-old Danish children do NOT generalize irrealis mood to think in general, HOWEVER understanding think complements does not trigger false belief understanding: A test of de Villier's theory
- Vicky Chondrogianni (2008): Comparing child and adult L2 acquisition of the Greek DP: Effects of age and construction
- Kristine Jensen de Lopez (2008): Gestik på vej til Ord: Samspil mellem gestik og ord i danske og zapotekiske småbørns kommunikative udvikling
- Kristine Jensen de Lopez, Ane Knüppel (2008): Resultater af danske skolebørns forståelse af grammatik belyst ved TROG-2dk - Test for Reception of Grammar
- Francisco Pons, M. de Rosnay (2007): Betydningen af barnets sprog og familiens samtaleaktiviteter for barnets Theory of Mind
- Ane Knüppel, Rikke Steensgaard, Kristine Jensen de Lopez (2007): Mental State Talk by Danish Preschool Children
- Kristine M. jensen De lopez (2007): Bcuaa quiaa – I stepped HEAD orange peel! The acquisition of Zapotec bodypart locatives
- Kristine M. Jensen De lopez, M. Hayashi, C. Sinha (2005): Early shaping of meaning in three languges and cultures or cultural relativity?
- P.L. Harris, M. de Rosnay, Francisco Pons (2005): Language and children’s understanding of mental states